The PTA committee is a team of volunteers elected at the association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) to manage the PTA on behalf of its members. All parents, carers, guardians and staff are automatically members of the PTA and can put themselves forward for committee roles.

If you are interested in becoming a committee member take a look at the role profiles at the bottom of this page. By informing the PTA of your interest in a role you will have the opportunity to shadow a committee member ahead of a formal election.

We are currently recruiting for the role of Treasurer. Please get in touch to find out more and to register your interest.

PTA Committee 2023/24

  • Sian Corr


  • Berihan Donald

    Vice Chair

  • Tess Alba


  • Ben Hirsch


Supporting Roles

  • Nicki O'Donoghue


  • Rich Wilkinson

    Grants Officer

  • Vacancy

    Sponsorships Officer

Class Representatives

  • Avni Hindocha

    Nursery (Bees)

  • Debbie O'Neill

    Year 4 (4KE)

  • Heidi Exell

    Year 3 (3MTA)
    Year 5 (5MD)

  • Jodie Potter

    Year 6 (6RC)

  • Kirsty Davies

    Year 1 (1SH)
    Year 5 (5LM)

  • Krystal Kerr

    Year 3 (3MTS)
    Year 6 (6KJ)

  • Laura Bannister

    Year 1 (1SH)

  • Olga Tsoulaki

    Nursery (Dragonflies)
    Year 2 (2CC)
    Year 4 (4KF)

  • Rachael Pardoe

    Reception (RLW)
    Year 3 (3MT)

  • Rachel Turner

    Reception (RFK)

  • Sinead Brennan

    Reception (RSC)
    Year 2 (2LB)

  • Sophia Kariotaki

    Year 2 (2RM)

  • Soraya Rodgers

    Nursery (Ladybirds)

  • Zareen Assad

    Year 1 (1CK)

  • Vacancy

    Year 4 (4JA)

  • Vacancy

    Year 5 (5NC)

  • Vacancy

    Year 6 (6GD)

  • "[I became a committee member to] share new ideas with like-minded people to make the school events, that our children love to attend, even better and raise more money for the school for the benefit of our children."

    Olga Tsoulaki, Secretary

Committee Roles

  • The PTA Chair directs your committee’s meetings, making sure everyone’s views are heard, and that everyone is involved in the meeting. They should make sure all committee members are familiar with the association’s constitution, model policies if applicable, and their role and responsibilities as a committee member (and trustee, if your PTA is registered as a charity). The PTA Chair also holds the casting vote where there is a tied vote. This usually defers the decision to the following meeting, allowing committee members more time to consider and discuss the matter.

    Duties and responsibilities of the PTA Chair

    Prepares for meetings (with the Secretary)

    Invites committee members, parents, and staff to PTA committee meetings

    Suggests items for the agenda

    Identifies outstanding items from the last meeting

    Prepares introductions for any new committee members attending

    Sets the ground rules for meetings, and makes sure they are inclusive and efficient

    Delegates tasks to other committee members and volunteers, and checks they’re completed

    Liaises with the school, and requests a​‘wish list’ for the PTA committee to use when deciding which projects to fund

    Ensures the committee fulfils its role in respect of the governance of the association as set out in its constitution – for example, holding an AGM, electing committee members, working with the Treasurer to ensure annual returns are completed if the PTA is registered as a charity

    Ensures any decisions made are clear, fit the objectives of the association, and are made by agreement of the committee as per your PTA’s constitution

    The PTA Chair cannot make decisions alone: all decisions must be made by the whole PTA committee

    Writes the annual report for the association (with the Secretary)

    Writes the Chair’s report for the AGM

    Can be a signatory on the PTA bank account (along with at least one other committee member)

    Makes sure the association is GDPR-compliant

    Key skills

    Confident and assertive – able to control meetings and call them to order when necessary, making sure everyone has an opportunity to speak

    Able to remain impartial – ensures contributions are brief and that everyone’s views are respected

    Calm, friendly and approachable – as the main point of contact for the PTA for all members, the PTA Chair must be inclusive, and make sure everyone feels welcome

    Organised and able to delegate – most PTAs organise a lot of activities. The PTA Chair should make sure the workload is shared and that tasks are completed as agreed

  • The Vice-Chair, they will deputise for the PTA Chair, and would step into the role of PTA Chair if they are absent or step down. The skills required for a Vice-Chair are the same as for the Chair.

  • The PTA Treasurer ensures accurate financial records are kept, and that best practice procedures are followed for counting money, banking, and making payments. They should keep your committee updated with regular reports, and ensure end-of-year reports are completed for the association’s AGM and, if your PTA is registered as a charity, the relevant Charity Commission’s annual return.

    If you have co-Treasurers, both individuals are equally responsible for carrying out the role. If you have a Vice-Treasurer, they will deputise for the PTA Treasurer, and carry out the role if the Treasurer is absent or steps down from their position.

    Duties and responsibilities of the PTA Treasurer

    Keeps accurate, up-to-date financial records

    Presents financial updates at each committee meeting

    Manages the PTA bank account, and holds the association cheque book

    Arranges changes of signatories on the association bank account

    Manages different payment platforms such as BOPP

    Ensures all bank cards, cheque books, and paying-in books are accounted for and obtained from any individual leaving the PTA

    Ensures best practice procedures are followed for counting and banking money after events

    Makes approved payments

    Ensures procedures for making approved payments and claiming approved expenses are followed by all committee members

    Prepares the annual Treasurer’s report for your AGM and arranges an independent examination of the association’s accounts

    Completes the relevant Charity Commission’s annual return if your PTA is registered as a charity

    Manages Gift Aid (or assists the committee member responsible for managing Gift Aid)

    Ensures committee members have read a copy of your association’s insurance policy summary, which should detail cash cover, and that they adhere to any guidelines contained in the document

    Key skills

    Basic understanding of bookkeeping – able to maintain accurate records of income and expenditure

    Organised with an eye for detail – big events involve counting a lot of small change. The Treasurer leads the​‘money’ team, making up floats, and collecting money from various stalls

    Calm, approachable, and a team player – able to remain calm during busy times. Ensure they don’t work in isolation by communicating regularly with the rest of the committee.

    Time management

    It’s important that the PTA Treasurer sets aside time to keep the accounts up to date on a regular basis. By updating the accounts on a regular basis, the PTA Treasurer will be able to:

    Pick up where they left off last time

    Produce reports for your committee

    Keep track of cash and bank balances

    Taking this approach should ultimately result in less time being required overall, although the time required of the PTA Treasurer will depend on a number of factors, such as:

    The number of transactions to be processed

    The Treasurer’s knowledge and understanding of accounting

    What information the committee wants to have

    The PTA Treasurer should implement, follow, and promote good financial governance practices for your PTA’s committee and for their own role. Read more about sound financial governance practices and financial reporting for PTAs.

  • The PTA Secretary supports the PTA committee to build effective communication links between the school and the association. They also maintain accurate records.

    Duties and responsibilities of the PTA Secretary

    Prepares for meetings (with the PTA Chair)

    Takes minutes at meetings, recording attendance, action points, decisions, and proposals

    Circulates approved minutes, along with a reminder of any actions agreed

    Maintains association records

    Makes sure the association is GDPR-compliant

    Updates trustee details with relevant charity commission (as appropriate)

    May be a signatory on the PTA bank account (along with at least one other committee member)

    Handles the association’s correspondence

    Key skills

    Organised and efficient – keeps accurate records in a format that can easily be handed over to a successor

    Good listener – able to identify key discussion points, actions, and agreements at meetings to accurately record in minutes

    Calm, friendly, and approachable – able to communicate confidently with the school and the committee members

Supporting Roles

  • Responsible for keeping the PTA website up to date with news and events, creating marketing assets for events, PTA marketing emails and newsletters, as well as updating social media and promoting the PTA more widely.

  • Engage local businesses to sponsor events and the PTA.

  • Responsible for researching and applying for grants and funding opportunities.

  • This role involves liaising with local businesses for raffle prizes, services and sponsorships, and coordinating ticket sales and prize giving.

  • Forwarding on PTA communications about events and activities. Act as a point of contact between parents and the PTA.

Join the committee

If you’re interested in a committee role or would like to find out more about the PTA and how you can volunteer we’d love to hear from you. We’re a friendly and welcoming group and we would love to have you join us!