Interview: Sian Evans, Deputy Headteacher

We asked Deputy Headteacher, Sian Evans, some questions about why the school needs the PTA.

Why is the PTA important to the school?

The Cavendish PTA is BRILLIANT and extremely important to the school - they raise impressive amounts of money (that goes on the children's learning, wellbeing and experiences), they create collaborative community links and they also put on events that are wonderful for all the family! 

What is the PTA relationship with the school?

The PTA work closely with the school in the decision making and actions around funding, school events and community links. Through meetings and regular communication including grabbed chats before and after school, the PTA and school work collaboratively with one joint purpose... providing the very best education and school experience for our children. 

How does the money raised benefit the school?

The money raised by the PTA contributes to many things including resources to enrich our curriculum, trips and visitors that provide rich experiences for our children, theme days and weeks that enhance the children's learning and purposeful improvements to our school environment. 

Sian Evans, Deputy Headteacher

What is the money raised spent on?

Funds raised are spent on many resources, experiences and events such as;

  • World Book Day visiting authors

  • Residential trips such as Robin Wood

  • Outdoor provision in Nursery & Reception

  • Equality Week visitors such as Bollywood dance teachers, artists and sign language educators

  • Mad Science visitors

  • Trips to Llandudno, Windermere & Chester

  • Library spaces and books

  • Forest School resources 

  • Extra-curricular clubs such as Science and Art Club

Why is the money needed?

In such difficult financial times, with school budgets stretched and resources limited, the money raised by our PTA to supplement our curriculum and enrichment is crucial. Without it, certain experiences (such as trips and school events) would not happen. It truly makes a huge difference to our community and most importantly, our children's education. 

Thank you Cavendish PTA... what a creative and committed group of people you ARE! You truly are one of the very special reasons that makes Cavendish the BRILLIANT school community it continues to be. 

If you’d like to find out more about how you can volunteer or become a committee member, as well as have an opportunity to meet other parents and carers, come along to our EVENT DETAILS. Tickets are free but we ask that you RSVP so we can plan numbers.


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